An Introduction to The Galveston Diet

I created The Galveston Diet after my brother died a few years ago.  Through my grief process, I was filling myself with unlimited processed carbohydrates.  As a result, I gained 15 pounds. For most of my life I have been active and fit, so when I had trouble fitting into my clothes I knew I had to make some changes.

I was determined to get back into shape, so I did exactly what I had counseled my patients for years: Eat less, exercise more.

I ate less and exercised more, and I would lose a pound or two......and that was it. I was  frustrated that I was starving myself and not seeing any long-term results.

I realized I was struggling just like some of my patients, who for years had fought against stubborn weight gain.

It was then I realized I must be doing something wrong.

I stopped feeling sorry for myself and hit the books.

As a physician and scientist, I knew there had to be a better answer than the "eat less, exercise more" mantra.  It had not worked for so many of my patients, and it was not working for me.

I started researching, and what I learned truly astonished me.

In my research on current dietary trends that have the most impact on human lives, four themes kept recurring - hormone changes that work against our best health, inflammation, fasting, and fueling fat loss.  I was fascinated.

Once I read the data and began to understand what powerful tools they could be, I became convinced of their effectiveness and my plan started taking shape. Why not have more than one component in my plan? Why not incorporate ALL FOUR?

Based on my research, I then created The Galveston Diet and tried it out on myself.  Once I began to see the amazing results, I enlisted a few girlfriends, and they too had the same fabulous results, then I unleashed it on the world.

The Galveston Diet has worked beyond our wildest dreams! We have more energy, slimmer waistlines and are sleeping better.  

I named it The Galveston Diet in honor of the beautiful island my family calls home. What began as a way for me to get my body back on the track to good health has quickly grown.  There are thousands of people that are following the plan, and they love the results. You will, too!

The Galveston Diet includes three phases: Intermittent Fasting (IF) for the multiple health benefits, Elimination of Inflammatory Foods (which will make your hormones work FOR you, not against you) , and a Fuel Refocus for fat loss.  I will explain each phase in detail.

Some of you will  want to jump in right away, but I caution you to take at least a week to focus on your education, slowly emptying your pantry, and changing your mindset as we prepare to change your life for the better.

I love this article from HEALTHLINE.COM as it contains graphs with historical trends and results from obesity studies, demonstrating trends that may answer some of the main reasons why  obesity has become such an epidemic. You may recognize a habit or two of your own in the article.

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